#government agencies

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PBS NewsHour
1 week ago

NASA earns sky-high approval among federal employees in annual Best Places to Work survey

Exploring the cosmos leads to happier federal workers [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Information security

Crook brags about US Army, '$75b defense company' breaches

Extortionist claims to have stolen files from US Army Aviation and Missile Command and a $75 billion aerospace and defense company. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Consumer Watchdog's Funding

The Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the funding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, preserving the agency's ability to regulate financial practices. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

US says Russian hackers stole federal government emails during Microsoft cyberattack | TechCrunch

Russian government-backed hackers stole U.S. federal agency emails via a Microsoft cyberattack.
CISA issued an emergency directive for civilian government agencies to secure email accounts from Russian hackers. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Help wanted: Regulators worldwide need tech expertise

Government agencies globally emphasize the need for tech expertise in enforcement work to detect consumer harms.
Several U.S. government agencies are integrating more technology into their enforcement processes and committing to building tech skills. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Play ransomware group stole 65,000 Swiss government files

Sensitive information from Swiss government stolen by ransomware gang.
Cyber attack targeted software biz Xplain, affecting multiple government agencies. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Government Google ads show up on adult websites and in Iran

Ads paid for by government agencies and major companies were found on inappropriate and potentially sanctioned websites.
Adalytics report raises questions about where ads appear and whether ad revenue violates sanction rules. [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

NSW government wants suicide prevention legislation owned by the people'

The New South Wales government plans to introduce suicide prevention legislation owned by those with lived experience of mental ill health.
Experts are calling for concrete directions, funding, and timeframes to be included in the legislation.
The legislation will be based on similar laws in South Australia, which created an advisory council and individual prevention plans for government departments. [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

Minimum Wage Hike for California Health Care Workers Could Cost the State Billions | KQED

The wage hike in California will add at least $4 billion in costs to government agencies providing healthcare.
Advocates of the wage increase argue that it is necessary to improve the lives of overworked and underpaid healthcare workers.
Republican lawmakers have expressed concerns about the financial impact of the wage increase on healthcare providers. [ more ]
6 months ago

AWS Announces European Sovereign Cloud for Government Agencies and Regulated Industries

AWS is developing a European Sovereign Cloud region that will be independent of existing AWS regions.
The new option targets government agencies and regulated industries in the EU that handle sensitive data and critical workloads.
AWS is not the first cloud provider to offer sovereign infrastructure in Europe. [ more ]
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